Monday, July 5, 2010


Ahhhh... the wonderful world of Web Quests. Although they seem like a lot of work at the beginning (this being spoken by a person who has yet to create one and feeling overwhelmed at the process its creation) yet I am excited to conquer the task at hand!

Please note that the information contained below is taken from Ann Howden from UEN Professional Development at

A "real" web quest facilitates the transition from knowledge to understanding of a subject in the mind of a student. Tom March says this of a "real" web quest, "A WebQuest is a scaffolded learning structure that uses links to essential resources on the World Wide Web and an authentic task to motivate students' investigation of a central, open-ended question, development of individual expertise and participation in a final group process that attempts to transform newly acquired information into a more sophisticated understanding. The best WebQuests do this in a way that inspires students to see richer thematic relationships, facilitates a contribution to the real world or learning and reflect on their own metacognitive processess."

Okay, that was a HUGE mouthful. Here are 6 components of a webquest and sites on the web to hopefully break this process down into smaller bites:

  1. Introduction - Dangle a carrot in front of the student to "hook" their interest.

  2. Task - focus the learner and clearly describes essential questions & learning objectives

  3. Process-lays out individual action steps the student will take, the resources to be used and how the student should organize their data.

  4. Evaluation- Provide students with the rubric so they are aware of their responsibilities

  5. Conclusion- Bring closure to the webquest, encourages student reflection, assignments to complete and provides an extension activity as homework (optional)

  6. Teacher's Page- provides optional addition to a webquest, gives directions and guidelines to assist other teachers with wequest implementation and includes information about targeted learners, core standards, essential questions, lesson objectives and student work.

The "Best" Web resources to use in your webquest:

  • -- Link Center / Curriculum Resources --Themepark, multimedia presentation resources for educators, Marco Polo, Pioneer Online Library and PBS teacher Source

  • - the Library of Congress

  • Keep in mind: the webquest must link to resources that foster learning, analysis and evaluation. The best websites for student use are interactive, media-rich and "exciting"

Okay -- we are armed with knowledge --- let us go forth and conquer this Quest!

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